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If you're someone who frequently conducts scientific research, you're probably aware of the time and effort it takes to sift through multiple studies to find the information you need. Fortunately, advancements in technology have made this process easier with the help of search engines such as Consensus.

Consensus is an AI-powered search engine that extracts and distills findings directly from scientific research.

What does Consensus do?

Consensus uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to analyze scientific research papers and extract key findings. This process involves breaking down complex jargon and identifying important concepts, making it easier for users to understand the content without spending hours reading through entire papers.

Consensus then organizes the extracted information into an easy-to-read summary format, allowing users to quickly find the information they need without having to read through entire research papers.

Consensus Key Features

  • Extraction and distillation of key findings from scientific research papers
  • Organizes extracted information into an easy-to-read summary format
  • Utilizes natural language processing to simplify complex scientific jargon
  • Provides related articles and studies for further exploration

Why is Consensus Useful?

Consensus is a useful tool for researchers, academics, and anyone who needs to keep up with scientific advancements. Here are some of the key benefits of using Consensus:


With Consensus, users can quickly find the information they need without having to spend hours reading through entire research papers. This is especially helpful for researchers who need to stay up-to-date on the latest scientific advancements but don't have the time to read through all the papers.

Simplifies Scientific Jargon

Scientific research papers can be difficult to understand due to the complex jargon and technical terms used. Consensus simplifies this jargon, making it easier for users to understand the content and extract key findings.

Related Articles and Studies

Consensus not only provides users with key findings but also suggests related articles and studies for further exploration. This can help users broaden their understanding of a particular topic and stay up-to-date on the latest research.

Who is Consensus for?

Consensus is ideal for anyone who conducts scientific research, including:

Researchers, Academics and Students

With Consensus, they can easily access information from different databases, academic journals, and other sources in one central location, saving them time and increasing their productivity.

Businesses and Organizations
With the ability to search and analyze vast amounts of data quickly, businesses can gain valuable insights that can help them make informed decisions and stay ahead of their competition.

Journalists, Policymakers and Other Professionals

The search engine's real-time monitoring capabilities enable them to keep track of breaking news and emerging trends, providing them with valuable insights and perspectives.

How does Consensus work?

Consensus - Evidence-Based Answers, Faster
Consensus is a new search engine that uses AI to find you answers in scientific research. Find out what the research says in seconds with Consensus.

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